martes, 21 de junio de 2011

Workshop 3: Second Language acquisiton by Yule

I. Answer the following question based on the presentation

1. Why is motivation important for L2 stds?
the motivation is important for L2 stds, because it is related with the necessity to motivation to learn something. Also it is an important part  of that opportunity is the availability of input.

2. Why might foreign talk be beneficial?
Because, it is a variety of speech which is simpler in structure and vocabulary.

3. What is communicative competence?
This classification is divided into three components:
Grammatical competence:   This involves the accurate use of words and                                                  structures in the L2.
Sociolinguistics competence: It enables the learner to discriminate the social                                                     context.
Strategic competence:  This is the ability to organize a message effectively and to compensate, via strategies, for any   difficulties.

4. What is the difference between the terms ACQUISITION and LEARNING?
There is a great difference between these two words. Acquisition when used a language, means the gradual develop of a language in a natural way, which means using it in different communicative situations. Learning on its side, refers to the act of find out about a language looking for information about its grammar rules and vocabulary. If the student is exposed to develop the L2 by using it and not only accumulating knowledge about it makes a big difference in the proficiency of him in the L2.

 The exposition to the L2 benefits the student though; there is one difficulty that can not resolve by all the adults. The study of grammar and vocabulary can reach the native level by the student, but sound as a native person is a goal that can be got only for a few adults’ learners of a L2.

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